Must We Always Move In Hope?

Resting In Hope

Resting In Hope


Must we always be moving towards our Hopes for them to be fulfilled? I think not. There are times in our journey towards whatever it we may be Hoping for that we just need to sit and rest.

Make sure you pick a good resting point, imagine one like sitting under the above tree. A place that will give you calm, relaxing, even rejuvenating feelings, surrounded by beauty. A place of rest like this allows us to renew our strength for the journey that is often uphill and at times treacherous.

If you are hoping for something and you feel out of energy, take a moment to rest. Then, before you know it, Hope will lift you off your feet as you soar towards the fulfillment of it!

Is Hope Always Paradise?

Hope and Bird of Paradise

Hope and Bird of Paradise


Have you asked yourself, “Does having Hope create a paradise?” If so, you know it doesn’t. So one may ask, then why should I have Hope? Let me tell you why, because to Hope means everything. One of the beautiful wonders of being human is the capacity to Hope.

In the midst of hoping for something I have often wondered how I could actually have hope when the situation looked completely impossible. That is the beauty of Hope. It lifts us up above the situation and allows us to have a new perspective. When we are faced with a difficult situation or anything that calls for Hope we have a choice to make. We can choose Hope or Hopelessness.

When we choose Hope it gives us strength to continue moving forward. And although it does not create a paradise, it is a thing of beauty that makes our heart sing. So please, choose Hope today! 🙂

Our World Today

Encouraging you to “Look up,” there you will find Hope! 🙂

Dig Deep


Even when there was no reason for hope, Abraham kept hoping–believing that he
would become the father of many nations. For God had said to him, “That’s how
many descendants you will have!” Romans 4:18 New Living Translation

You may be facing one of your darkest days. My hope for you is that against all hope, you remain in hope. May you have a strong mind, stayed on the promises of The Most High. When we focus our eyes on him, we can hope when there is no reason for hope. For we know, he will always make a way. So, there is always cause for hope. Much love to you!

Out Of Anything


“But you can build a future out of anything. A scrap, a flicker. The desire to go forward, slowly, one foot at a time. You can build an airy city out of ruins.”               ― Lauren Oliver

Hope can spring forth from a scrap, a flicker, even a speck. It’s true you can build a future out of ANYTHING. No matter what you are going through at this moment or how bleak it may look, hope remains. It is ever-present and always waiting to be embraced. So, take one step and then the next, your future awaits! 🙂

Acceptance Increases Hope


“Understanding is the first step to acceptance, and only with acceptance can there be recovery.”
―    J.K. Rowling

“For after all, the best thing one can do when it is raining is let it rain.”
―    Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

“My happiness grows in direct proportion to my acceptance, and in inverse proportion to my expectations.”
―    Michael J. Fox

There is freedom that comes when we can accept ourselves, others and our circumstances. Although it is not always easy, there is no better way to live. Wikipedia tells us “Acceptance in human psychology is a person’s assent to the reality of a situation, recognizing a process or condition (often a negative or uncomfortable situation) without attempting to change it, protest, or exit.” With acceptance comes peace. Accepting a difficult situation does not mean we must give up hope. Instead, acceptance increases our hope. When we have peace in our heart through acceptance, our hope is able to rise above our circumstances. Most of us are faced with things we must accept on a daily basis. Rather than struggle with it, accept it.

May you be full of Hope and Acceptance! 🙂 🙂

No Vision No Hope


“Where there is no vision, there is no hope.”

– George Washington Carver

“Where there is no vision, the people perish” ~Proverbs 29:18 King James version

Do you have vision? tells us to have vision means-the act or power of anticipating that which will or may come to be: an experience in which a personage, thing, or event appears vividly or credibly to the mind, although not actually present, often under the influence of a divine or other agency: something seen or otherwise perceived during such an experience: The vision revealed its message: a vivid, imaginative conception or anticipation.

We all have the capacity for having vision. We must set our minds to it and then act on it before we see it with the naked eye. Having vision creates an atmosphere for hope. It’s true, no vision, no hope. Without hope, we cease to want to live. Look inside and find your vision.

May you be full of hope and vision!

Hope In Tomorrow


“When today fails to offer the justification for hope, tomorrow becomes the only grail worth pursuing.”
― Christopher Bigsby

When a day passes and your hope has not manifested, don’t give up on it. Tomorrow always brings another opportunity for it to shine. Don’t let you hope die in today for there is hope in tomorrow!

Hope In Joined Hands


“In joined hands there is still some token of hope, in the clinched fist none.”
― Victor Hugo

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “to hope is human.” We can only be human together. When we join our hands one to another, hope grows. Too often hands are tight fisted, clinched in hate and discord. It’s time to come together in one accord with growing hope as our intention.

Will you join me?

Cheerful In Hope


“Hope is the power of being cheerful in circumstances that we know to be desperate.”
― G.K. Chesterton

Life brings us challenges in many shapes and sizes. Sometimes the challenge is almost unbearable. The situation you are in now may look bleak, but remember, there is always hope. While hoping through a desperate situation, employ a cheerful heart. When you do, you cause happiness to rise up and then you can see things with a more optimistic view. Seeing things this way will increase your hope and strength. It’s true, a cheerful heart is good medicine.

May your heart be full of cheer today! 🙂

Your Hopes And Dreams


“We need men who can dream of things that never were.”
~John F. Kennedy

What are your hopes and dreams? If you please, share them here!

One of my greatest hopes is to see a wave of hope fill the entire earth.

Are You A Caterpillar?


“What the caterpillar calls the end of the world the master calls a butterfly.”
~Richard Bach

Life can be challenging at times, that’s for sure. During these challenges we often feel like the world is about to end. When this happens, don’t give up hope. Hang on caterpillar, your wings are about to arrive!

Hope ~ Must We Look For It?


“Hope does not necessarily take the form of excessive confidence; rather it involves the single willingness to take the next step.”

Stanley Hauerwas

Our hopes shape us. The choice is ours, Hope or hopelessness. Sometimes hope hurts. It’s like a burning, searing pain deep in the soul. As we long for what we hope for and yet live in what we see, we question whether to press on or give in to defeat.

It is during these times we must look for the hope inside of us. Hope is something you cannot see and is often unexplainable. It exists only deep within the individual experiencing the power it possesses. Hope must be harnessed. When we choose it, it gives us strength. Then we can take one step at a time toward our hopes. Choose Hope Now!

Felons Face New Father



Sometimes out of great turmoil comes hope. Must we look for it? I think Anna Soto and Jeremy Reed had to on Sunday after experiencing what may be one of the most terrifying moments of their lives. It was about 2am and they were sleeping soundly in their bed with their week old daughter sleeping right beside them. The sound of their front door being smashed off its lock woke them suddenly. The next thing they recall is seeing two strangers standing at the end of their bed with guns.

Reacting quickly, Soto grabbed the baby and retreated to their bedroom closet. Reed jumped up and immediately yelled at the men to get out as he shoved one man into the other. One of the men responded “we got guns” “I got a newborn” Reed responded. By the time he said that one of the men had grabbed the keys to Soto’s car and then both of the men ran out the front door and jumped into the vehicle. Reed chased them with their shotgun in his hand. Pointing the gun at the windshield the men ducked. Just then Reed saw flashing blue lights.

He didn’t shoot and the men sped off. The police had already been hunting the men down from a previous incident a bit early that night. When some friends heard the news they told Reed they would have shot the men. Reed said “I’m glad that nobody got hurt.” He explained to them they didn’t understand how quickly things happened and how they were driven by instinct and not conscious thought. He said he expected to be tested as a father, just not that soon after the birth of their first child.

I can imagine after that horrible event both Soto and Reed may have had some trouble finding any hope. Sometimes in life we must look for hope. If I were in their situation I think I would find hope in the resolve they had to survive under those circumstances. And having experience so early in the life of their daughter they can be hopeful of how they will handle other difficult situations that come into their lives as she grows. The truth is if your thoughts are hopeless, then your life will be hopeless. This story is an inspiration to me and it encourages me to look for hope even in the most difficult times.

“No man is beaten until his hope is annihilated, his confidence gone.    As long as a man faces life hopefully, confidently, triumphantly, he is not a failure; he is not beaten until he turns his back on life”         Orison Swetl Marden